Fast-paced changes in lighting design offer clients new, cost-effective options for long-term lighting systems. SINGH has garnered a reputation as a premier lighting design firm. We have extensive experience at developing lighting systems for each particular environment and need.
Our electrical engineers are qualified to provide assessment and design on a wide array of lighting projects.
- Latest LED Technology + Wireless Control System
- Central Lighting Asset Management System
- Adaptive Lighting System
- Highway + Streetscape Lighting
- Tunnel + Underpass Lighting
- Sports Field Lighting
- Parking Lot and Site | Area Lighting
- RGB Color Changing Structure Aesthetic Lighting
- Bike Path Lighting
- Decorative Lighting
- Navigation Lighting
- High Mast Tower Lighting
- Lifecycle Cost Benefit Analysis
- Lighting Assessment + Warrant Analysis
- Compliance with IESNA and AASTHO standards