IL Tollway | Illinois Tollway Systemwide Design Upon Request
- Roadway Engineering
- Drainage Design
- Maintenance of Traffic
- Civil Site Design
- Feasibility Studies
- Safety Studies
- Structure Design
- ITS Analysis + Design
- Lighting Design
- Construction Support
SINGH was selected as Prime Consultant to provide a broad range of engineering design services to the Illinois Tollway on an as needed basis. Project work tasks have included:
Truck Parking Lot Feasibility Study + Report
SINGH was responsible for the development of a Truck Parking Lot Feasibility Study and Report as part of a task under the Tollway Systemwide Design Upon Request Contract, as a prime consultant. The Feasibility Report was needed to calculate the parking demand per Tollway corridor and evaluate the need for additional parking facilities to meet demand. SINGH was tasked with determining optimal/preferred locations for truck parking facilities along the Illinois Tollway System based on SINGH established criteria. SINGH met with Tollway stakeholders to determine the site requirements. Locations were identified and ranked based on safe access, environmental needs, adjacent property usage, and available amenities.
US 20 Auxiliary Lane
SINGH was responsible for the engineering design for the addition of an acceleration lane adjacent to US 20 which will extend the exit ramp to US 20 by approximately 275’ of widening. The work will be performed on IDOT property and will be coordinated with IDOT. SINGH produced the final design plans, specifications, and contract requirements that include roadway design, drainage plans, maintenance of traffic, and pavement marking. The final plans were incorporated into a separate Tollway contract as a construction revision in Spring of 2017.
Tri-State Tollway Interchange Improvements, WB CD Road for Grand Avenue (IL 132)
SINGH provided engineering design services for a new collector distributor (CD) lane separated from the mainline with a median barrier wall. SINGH provided final PS+E for the following scope of work: geometrics, roadway design, drainage design, erosion control and landscaping, pavement marking and signing, barrier warrant analysis, maintenance of traffic, lighting, and utility coordination. SINGH coordinated and managed the development of the contract documents for structural services provided by a sub consultant for retaining wall modifications and overhead sign structures.
159th Street (US 6) Bridge Reconstruction and Ramp Rehabilitation
SINGH was responsible for the reconstruction of the bridge structure carrying 159th Street (US 6) over the Tri-State Tollway (I-294) and the reconstruction of the interchange loop ramps. The structure length was extended to allow for the widening of the collector-distributor road shoulders under the bridge structure. Project scope included: structural design, roadway design, drainage design, maintenance of traffic, pavement marking and signage, landscaping and erosion control, barrier warrant analysis, plaza electrical and communication systems design, ITS device removal and relocation, underground ITS infrastructure and fiber optic removal and relocation, pedestrian accommodations on 159th Street in compliance with IDOT Complete Streets policy, overhead sign structure replacement, and utility coordination.
Systemwide CCTV Camera Enhancement for Various Facilities
SINGH provided engineering design of a Systemwide CCTV Camera Enhancement project that included the design of 156 new security and surveillance cameras for the Central Administration Building, mainline plazas, and maintenance facilities (excluding M-1, M-6, and M-7). The project also included IT and ITS system integration and expansion of existing EMC data storage at the Central Administration Building and DeKalb Disaster Recovery Center to accommodate the additional cameras. The concept report included analysis and recommendations based on evaluation of Tollway design criteria and included proposed ITS equipment locations, and construction sequencing, maintenance of existing equipment, maintenance of traffic scheme, system integration, and the implementation of integrated video intrusion detection system.
Systemwide Perimeter Fencing for Communications Towers
SINGH designed new installation or replacement of existing perimeter fence with 10-foot anti-climb and vehicle rated fencing at sixty (60) communication towers sites systemwide. Fence gates and locking mechanisms were provided as well as site improvement to disturbed areas. The design engineering services included the preparation of a concept report, PS&E preparation, contract packaging recommendations considering potential small business set-aside contracts, utility coordination, and client coordination with Tollway IT, Business Systems, Toll Operations, Safety and Information Technology Departments.
LED Lighting Retrofit Jane Addams Memorial Tollway and Reagan Memorial Tollway
SINGH recently completed LED retrofit design for 15-miles of the Jane Adams Memorial Tollway (I-90) and 6-miles of the Regan Memorial Tollway (I-88). Project scope of work included condition assessments of the existing lighting system infrastructure, cost benefit analysis, and photometric computations. SINGH prepared Final PS+E for mainline, interchange, underpass, and sign lighting as well as maintenance of traffic PS+E.